Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top Ten Predictions Revisited

Well here we are! Our 44th President has been re-elected. A second term notwithstanding, now is a good a time to revisit my top "Top Ten Predictions for Obama’s First Term", published on November 5, 2008.

10. The Hip House
Kind of a hit, kind of miss.  Yes, young people are more engaged and "follow" President Obama. Big deal though, as they follow is his social calendar - his interviews on Kimmel, NCAA tournament picks, that sort of stuff.  Young Americans still can't explain the veto process.

9. The dis-armed forces
I was wrong.  Military spending has remained pretty flat in the last 4 years.  What has changed is where the money is being spent.  Less on large martial campaigns for sure. More on covert ops (which begs the question, how did the spending remain the same?).  I'm curious to find out though, what was meant by "more flexibility after the election".  We'll find out though, no doubt.

8. Baby love
Bullseye! I just didn't go far enough when I predicted "entry level" socialized medicine. We have ObamaCare!  Yes, everyone will be covered, but the level of care will necessarily go down - logic demands no less. Finally, the cost of health care has gone up, not down as promised. (sad face).

7. America!  What a Country!
I couldn't have been more wrong. Internationally, America is not viewed in a better light.  We're still Americans, just not as bold. Our enemies see our unclenched fist as weakness.  Our allies are left wondering who's in charge.  The White House actually used the term "lead from behind".  You can't make this stuff up.

6. Roe v. Wade through 2040
Can I extend this prediction through 2044?  Sotomayor and Kagan are just the beginning.  I'll predict at least 2 more progressive 50-something justices in the next 4 years.

5. Yo, bra' Man!  No More Excuses!
I guess I should have read Alinsky's chapter on demonization of the rich, the new boogie man (it's no longer the white man).  The bottom line is that African-Americans will forever have someone to blame. Ignore the evidence of the last 40 years, including a so-called middle class mixed-race kid with a funny name ascending to the highest office in the land. 

4. Same deal, different century
Back then, I said, "let’s take an inventory of what 'rights' people think we should have – now, and again in 2012".  Well, let's do it:

  • 2008 - abortion. 2012 - free contraception
  • 2008 - temporary unemployment benefits. 2012 - unbounded assistance 
  • 2008 - medicaid. 2012 - ObamaCare
  • 2008 - education. 2012 - a free cell phones (as communication is a right)
I could go on, but you get the point.

3. Will work for food (stamps)
How prophetic.  I'll allow interested readers to look up the number of Americans on food stamps, then and now.  

2. Kilo-what!
The reality of our time is that fossil fuels run the planet.  Wind and solar are too expensive, and they can't be made competitive by executive fiat.  We're in for even higher energy prices in the next 4 years.  It'll hurt the poor the most, increasing their dependence on government.  Sense a pattern here?

1. The check is in the mail
Did I nail this one or what?  What's true for personal finance is true for federal budgets.  If you don't even have a goal, you'll never reach it.  Did they ever even pass a budget?  What Obama called Bush "unpatriotic" for, he doubled, and in less time.  I cite the national debt clock.  If you're interested, look it up - see where we are now, and where we were in 2008.  SMH.

I'll conclude by restating my belief that we're headed for European style socialism with European style results. The rich will be poorer, but so will everyone else, particularly the poor, and they can't afford it.